Jemmur in London, a mixed journey for the debater

Jemmur in London, a mixed journey for the debater

still no –Candidate, Columnist Eric Jemmore arrived in London on Friday, November 19 and met with French foreigners to try to find it. Financial and political support above all else. In this last step, Extreme right-wing advocate, Collapsing on the ballot, returning empty-handed from his British trip.

The candidate, however, did almost everything to appear with weighty political figures, but in the end, Eric Jemmore did not meet English Prime Minister Boris Johnson, with whom he sometimes compares himself. He did not exchange with MPs: There is only one tour of Parliament with a senator during the visit.
“I have met a Lord,” and “I have reconsidered the whole history of English Parliamentarism, the mother of all parliaments,” the journalist said. Notice in this interview, The two did not talk about politics.

400 people attended a conference

Finally, the visit was a reflection of these two days in London, full of disappointments. Debateer to the French community at the prestigious Royal Institution. The conference finally took place at the Ibis Hotel. However, the number of supporters who came to hear him speak was higher than expected: Initially 400 were declared against 300.

One question remains: How much did Eric Gemmore collect for his campaign? At this point, His team is very intelligent.

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