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The blind student plays the lead role

A blind student playing the role of a blind man on screen? This is not fantasy! Area Mia Loberti landed the lead role in the Netflix embracing hit novel series “All the Light We Can’t See”. Is Hollywood finally opening its eyes?

Paris, 1934. At the age of 6, Mary-Lore Leplong lost her sight due to cataracts. Her father invented unique ways to make her independent, especially by modeling their surroundings so she could find bearings. He was interested in adventure novels and learned to read in Braille Twenty thousand leagues under the sea… Meanwhile, in Germany, young Werner Fifenik, 8, discovered the operation of a radio station near the orphanage where he lived. In the company of his younger sister Jutta, he spends his nights listening to a French teacher’s science program for children. The fate of these two ambitious young men passed, and a few years later, in Saint-Malo, 80% was destroyed by German bombings …

1There is The role of the blind student

The best-selling book We cannot see all light (All the light we can not see), will soon be a series of success? Netflix Anthony chose Doyer’s novel to adapt to the screen, giving the blind student the lead role. Without cinematography training, Area Mia Loferdy, who holds a doctorate in rhetoric from Penn State University (Pennsylvania), will take her first steps in the seventh art, blind … a young woman campaigning for greater visibility mixed with excitement and stress. Of the blind. The main advantage? ” There is no risk of that actress making a mistake in acting that shows that she is blind, which I have seen many times before. , Lauren Welcomes Appellate, Vice President and Writer of Respect Ability Hollywood Disability Adding Toolkit (Translation: Disability Adding Toolkit in Hollywood), in Defender.

Finally disabled actors in the light?

About 95% of the disabled characters in Hollywood are played by talented actors, often identical and far removed from reality (articles are linked below), which makes these news clubs happy. In early 2020, 80 American actors and entertainment professionals decided to mobilize to change the situation with the #DontDismissDis campaign (article linked below). One year later, in September 2021, deaf actress Sandra May Frank, in particular, landed in season 4 of the medical series. New Amsterdam Aired TF1 (Article is attached below). A few years ago, young deaf actress Millicent Simmonds exploded on screen in the American blockbuster Without noise, By John Krosinski (article linked below). Will Hollywood (finally) stop being deaf to the content of 7?e Art?

“All reproduction and representation rights are protected. © This article was written by Cassandre Rogret, journalist”

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