«Au risque d’avoir l’air d’un trou du cul prétentieux, je préfère le terme comédien», insiste Nicolas Cage.

Nicholas Cage: Don’t call him an actor without calling him an actor


The 57-year-old American explained the difference in an interview with “Variety”.

“At the risk of sounding like a hypocritical ass, I like the word actor,” Nicholas Cage insists.

imago images / ZUMA wire

Nicholas Cage does not consider himself an actor (Actor, In English). As he explained to “Variety” he likes to use the word actor (Thespian)

“For me, it always means saying, ‘Oh, he’s a great actor, so he’s a big liar.’ You go with your heart, or your imagination, your memories or your dreams and bring something to communicate with the public. “

“Archbishop St. Michael”

The actor, or rather comedian, met with his acting and director Michael Chernosky in the autumn-release film “Big”.

“After some failures I realized that I was sidelined in the studio setting and they were not going to call me anymore. To look back on a young director I need to remember some of the films I made and understand that I could be the right person for his script and that he would rediscover me. As always, Nicholas Cage continued.

(Cover Media / Lematin.ch)

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