A passion at work or a real revolution?

A passion at work or a real revolution?

Unlimited Vacations: Decades ago, the dream of strangers, inaccessible to ordinary people, was the most serious promise we see blossoming on job lists today. Many companies (and not least) give their employees almost complete autonomy in managing their vacations.

This NetflixIn 2003, Primary Entertainment 2.0 offered its employees unlimited paid leave. We can say that the meteorite growth of the VOD giant did not seem to be hindered by this holiday policy. Since then, many have followed, first American technology companies, then a few Start French. We believe this event is far from a debit or marketing stunt.

Tomorrow’s work world will give everyone the opportunity to organize the time of their choice. Against the vertical and firm hierarchy, employers unilaterally adjust for non-working moments and working moments, and employees need to quickly create the work rhythm that suits them. The terms of the contract between the employer and the employee also need to be clear: in fact, the so-called unlimited vacations are often not really there. Why?

Unlimited or free vacations?

For some onlookers, unlimited vacations can be another hypocrisy that robs employees of the rest they deserve: under the pressure of employers and more interested colleagues, we would not dare ask for holidays unless we know how much we owe. . Goes back to the United States, where no federal law compels employers to provide Paid leave To their employees. But for France and its 2.5 days of compulsory vacation per month, would unlimited vacation be a step backwards?

Strict rules have this advantage: the terms of the agreement are clearly stated, everyone knows their rights and is reluctant to demand them. In contrast, the limits of these unlimited vacations are often seen as cloudy. Can employees get away with it when they want, without asking for a break? The answer is not obvious: more or less implicit understanding is that anyone can take a vacation until they have done their duty and provided quality work. This will allow everyone to organize their holidays in a flexible way within their framework Work contract.

We believe it is necessary to dispel this misconception in order to achieve a policy of peaceful unlimited vacation that does not allow for abuse or stress. This is why we want free holidays. We believe these are questions that companies need to ask themselves as soon as possible in the face of the revolution in the work world.

How to measure work in the information age?

In a book with a provocative title published in 2020 (Rule? No Rules!), Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix, defends his vision of a management that adds pride to freedom and personal responsibility. Outlines failure Tailorism In the information age: “I never believed that the value of creative work could be measured in a timely manner”.

Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about complex problems. It is clear that we can not estimate the time it will take. Between the regular workers who work with moderate intensity throughout the year, and those who shift the peaks of rigorous activities, to the most peaceful periods, who is right?

Companies have also taken into account the amount of wealth represented by different profiles. People who have been set aside by their inability to comply with the discipline of office life are now creative assets and you need to know how to recruit and hold it. Allowing everyone to flexibly manage their vacations (and work hours) without adhering to an arbitrarily set schedule is also a way to create a more inclusive work world and create happier and more efficient teams.

Reviewing human resources

We are going through an important moment in the history of work where the reflexes of the industrial age (strict office hours, forced face-to-face work) and new ways of doing things are combined. Experience. In his book How to Get Rid of Productivity Worship, digital anthropologist Rafa Harfoush demonstrates the inadequacy of our old methods of measuring productivity in a world where innovation and creativity are the main source.

This contradiction will be in the form of the dissatisfaction of workers who accept less and less of yesterday’s working conditions, which are perceived as unnecessarily coercive. In August 2021, a record 4.3 million U.S. workers left. Free vacations are one way to deal with this tension. They are part of a general movement that aims to give employees more control over their professional lives. Significant increase in the number of freelancers in France (+ 92% since 2009) An irritating symptom: Skilled workers seek greater autonomy. Companies that want to be attractive should ask themselves these questions.

Any desire for flexibility can be intimidating: how can we ensure that this revolution does not take place at the expense of employees and their well-being? Companies should monitor the utilization of their policies and, if necessary, impose minimum annual leave … and make sure their policies are well understood by those involved first and avoid disappointment. It is necessary to choose words, and we must be careful in imagining the working world of tomorrow.

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