The first Govt-19 screening test was conducted at the airport

The first Govt-19 screening test was conducted at the airport

He explained that the airline has already stated the need for passengers to pass a saliva test after arrival during the flight.

Passengers coming from outside the Schengen area are diverted by airport staff to arrive at checkpoint “E.Gulby Laboratory” at Terminal C, where airport staff assist them to check-in for testing. At the test point, passengers will receive a test sample, prepare a sample of saliva according to the instructions, and receive a note on the lab’s certificate for providing the test sample. This mark will be checked at the border crossing by the staff of the State Border Guard.

The first aircraft assigned for the screening test was the London-Riga. Salna said the test went smoothly and all passengers who passed the test could leave the airport immediately.

Passengers from Schengen are airlifted to the “E.Gulbs Laboratory” test site, where airport staff organize queues and assist passengers to register for the test. After passing the test model, passengers can leave the airport.

As the new variant of the Covit-19 spreads rapidly not only in Africa but also in European countries, the LETA says that the intensive testing of Covit-19 arriving passengers is being carried out from today. Ministry of Health (VM).

It is planned that all passengers on the Covit-19 will be screened on a random basis for four to six flights each day, regardless of vaccination or disease status.

Flights from countries with the highest number of imported Covit-19 cases will be selected for screening testing in Germany, Great Britain, Sweden, Egypt, Poland, Italy, Norway, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary, Spain and Latvia. Russia, Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, Malta, Ukraine, Georgia and Switzerland. Selection of aircraft will be done in rotation.

The screening test will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Cabinet Decree “Declaring a state of emergency”, which expects intensive screening of migrants in case of epidemiological need. Transit passengers, children under the age of 12, flight crews and others exempt from the order can opt out of the test.

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