Finally ... davatziliki provided by Cosmode, Vodafone and Wind: See what's changing

Finally … davatziliki provided by Cosmode, Vodafone and Wind: See what’s changing

Cosmode, Vodafone, Wind: Significant changes in cell phone charges and provider change. Strict regulations for Cosmode, Vodafone, and Wind for consumer protection.

What is included in the draft for new rules of conduct, citizen complaints, agreements, billing disputes and solutions. All developments

High transparency with clear rules at all levels, from the promotion of advertising and services to the most important consumer complaints, has been put to the public consultation by the National Telecommunications and Postal Service (EETT) “Protocol for the provision of services electronic communications. Consumers” until early December.

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to establish general policies and procedures that must be followed by providers of electronic communication services to provide electronic communication services to consumers, and to regulate issues in the provision of electronic communication services to consumers. Appropriate regulatory and legislative framework.

In particular, the general obligations of providers, such as promoting advertising and services, promoting sales of services, pre-contract information, contracts, service activation, pricing – billing and solutions, are governed by issues related to the open Internet. Staff training, customer service and complaints, code compliance and restrictions and restrictions.

As stated in Article 10 on Customer Service, “The provider must ensure that the waiting time for customers calling the Customer Service Call Center is limited to a reasonable maximum time and with a maximum charge, subject to public licensing regulations.

The exception to this time limit is not being able to wait for free calls, so the call will not be answered until instant phone service is available.

This reasonable time limit also applies to consumers who choose to communicate via video calling or live chat.

In order to resolve the demand, the provider should try to resolve the consumer requests as soon as possible.

For this purpose, the customer’s initial communication with customer service should be monitored and procedures developed to identify unresolved requests during the first communication. Delay in resolving consumer demands “.

In terms of pricing, fees, billing disputes and solutions, the provider first displays the billing information for the services it provides, which is accurate, understandable and does not contain any misleading information (errors or ambiguities, exaggerations or omissions).

The Provider ensures the existence and implementation of dispute resolution and debt settlement mechanisms, including procedures for managing consumer complaints regarding billing issues.

When managing and reporting consumer grievances and subsequent requests not being met, the provider outlines ways to resolve disputes by competent administrative or judicial authorities.

In the event of breach of contractual obligations under the Terms of Service with respect to the Compensation Policy, the Provider shall apply the Compensation / Refund Policy.

The consumer chooses freely without pressure and after being fully informed of his preferences, the way of compensation he wants.

In the event of an account dispute, the provider will provide in writing or by e-mail, depending on the subscriber’s preference, detailed explanations of disputed fees and their involvement in the services that justify them.

If the subscriber is justified, the issuer will credit the relevant amount to the next account and in each case within the relevant timeframe prescribed by the Public License Regulation. In addition, in any case the consumer can appeal to dispute resolution bodies or in court outside the court.

Cosmode, Vodafone, Air: Consumer complaints

The provider must ensure that consumer complaints are resolved promptly, efficiently and fairly. For this purpose, it must adhere to the following principles:

1. Effective solution: The provider should seek to resolve complaints / grievances at the first contact with the consumer.

Complaint management departments should have staff with adequate resources and adequate powers to select and resolve complaints.

The provider should ensure that the reporting consumer is treated kindly by its staff and guided in the most efficient and easy way to submit both complaints and additional documents required to manage and serve them.

2. Transparency and accessibility: The provider should have a manual containing the registered complaints / grievance procedures to be followed by employees when handling consumer complaints.

Where it is not possible to resolve complaints in the first instance, procedures should involve an internal reporting process at the highest levels.

Any internal practices of the provider should not be detrimental to the consumer and make it difficult to meet their requests / complaints effectively.

The provider should provide training and provide relevant grievance handling manual to its employees.

In addition, the provider must have information published on its website and a form related to the registered consumer complaint procedures.

This form should have adequate instructions written in simple and understandable language so that it can easily identify how to file consumer complaints and the provider’s competent staff.

Similar information is included on the provider’s website.

3. Answer: The Provider is responsible for documenting and responding in writing to any complaint / complaint filed under the terms of the Public License Regulation.

If the consumer requests information, the provider must provide adequate information on the progress of the complaint, as well as a change in schedule and the reasons for the delay.

In addition, there should be appropriate mechanisms in place to monitor and resolve issues that may be agreed with the consumer and in accordance with the procedures outlined above.

If the provider considers that the complaint does not require further investigation, the reasons for this decision should be fully, clearly understood and understood by the consumer, and the consumer, if requested, should be informed of its existence. Alternative options to consider.

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