Vietnamese doctor hunts for 'spooky light'

Vietnamese doctor hunts for ‘spooky light’

Dr. Gao Von Sun, “Ghost Particles” (neutrinos) – sought to capture the path of subatomic particles that could penetrate ordinary matter without leaving a trace.

In 2009, when he received a doctorate scholarship from the Vietnam Education Fund (VEF), Dr. Gao Van Sun (35) chose to study high energy physics at the University of Texas at Austin. Neutrinos.

In physics, neutrinos are subatomic particles that make up the physical world. Neutrinos interact very weakly with matter. To monitor, scientists must use special tools, light-sensitive materials and highly sensitive sensors.

In rare moments, neutrinos are said to interact with the object in the detector. Scientists capture signals ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of photons in a matter of tens of billions to millions of seconds. “This is why experimental physicists have always wanted to get as much information as possible about neutrinos discovered by Earth’s inventors,” he said.

Dr.  Gao Van Sun (right) is a member of the first experimental neutrino team in Vietnam, the International Center for Science and Education (ICISE), headed by Professor Tran Tan Van (left).

Dr. Cao Van Sun (right) is a member of the first experimental neutrino team led by Professor Tran Tan Van (left) in Vietnam. Photo: NVCC

To measure low light from neutrinos, Drs. Sun and his team developed the Multipoint Photon Counting System – Photon Sensor Type (MPPC). Due to the multi-point sensor, it is very light sensitive (capable of differentiating each photovoltaic) very fast (resolution of a few billionths of a second). This system can be improved to measure the fluorescence spectrum. Therefore, Drs. Sun continues to work with a team of scientists in Japan and Canada.

He said the sensor could also be promoted in other civil fields such as positron tomography, automation cars and positron tomography, also known as PET technology in medical imaging and diagnosis.

In addition, the ability to count every photon particle allows MPPC to be used to study quantum phenomena, which contributes to the development of quantum computing.

Close applications can be developed to study foods such as meat and milk without the need to add chemicals. “This is the basis for thinking about practical applications such as fluorescence spectrometers for rapid milk testing,” he said.

Dr. Kao Won Sun inside the T2K testing area in Japan.  Photo: NVCC

Dr. Kao Won Sun inside the T2K testing area in Japan. Photo: NVCC

For nearly 10 years of research, Dr. Son has conducted numerous international experiments on neutrinos. During the MINOS experiment (in the United States, 2011 – 2014), he measured the speed of neutrinos and applied them to a remote detector that could match the speed of light at 734 km / h.

In 2017, Dr. was one of the members who formed the first experimental neutrino team in Vietnam. The team is led by Professor Tran Tan Van at the International Center for Intermediate Sciences and Education (ICISE) located in the Ken Rang Ward in Quinn City.

The team then took part in the T2K experiment – an international experiment based in Japan with about 500 scientists from 12 countries. The results of a study on CP symmetric fracture identification (charge conjugation and parity inversion) in neutrino interactions of the T2K experiment have been published in the world’s leading scientific journal. Natural And became one of the 10 best releases in the world by 2020. This contribution has been recognized as one of the ten best science and technology events in Vietnam in 2020.

This year, Dr. is the only representative of Southeast Asia to take part in the International Super-Cameoconde (SK) Experiment in Japan. Is Son’s research team. Super-Cameoconde (SK) is the world’s largest underground neutrino observatory located in the cities of Hita and Kifu in Kifu Province, Japan.

Experiment with the goal of studying the physics of neutrinos from the sun, atmosphere and man-made sources (accelerators and nuclear reactors). Currently, the SK experiment attracts about 200 scientists from 40 research institutes in 10 countries around the world, including Japan, the United States, Korea, China, Poland, Spain, Canada, the United Kingdom, Italy and France.

Vietnam's Neutrino Physics team participates in research at the T2K Experimental Center in Japan.  Photo: ICISE

Vietnam’s Neutrino Physics team participates in research at the T2K Experimental Center in Japan. Photo: Here

Dr. said he was lucky to have many contacts with the world’s leading scientists. The Sun shared that many of them met with Takaki Gajita, a Japanese scientist who won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics. “I appreciate the service of real scientists,” said Dr. Son.

In conversation with VnExpress Through videos in Japan, without mentioning much about himself, Mr. The son spoke passionately about his trials. He describes himself as “always trying his best, even on small things” and wants to work to realize his potential. “I want to learn something new instead of following the effort. I have no clear idea of ​​success. I want to nurture myself. I want to appreciate what I have learned and experienced here. America and Japan.”

In the future, Dr. Son will return to Vietnam to continue his research and expansion of the neutrino experimental team. He hopes that participation in international experiments and collaborations between domestic research groups will help develop hardware and train students to work in Vietnam. “The main reason I came back was to go with my Vietnamese colleagues on the path to overcoming the challenges of neutrino science and low light technology,” he said.

Dr. Kao Wan Sun was born in Wo Nin, in Guangxi County, Guangxi Province. He studied physics at Wo Nguyen High School. He is a Talented Alumni, First in Physics, University of Natural Sciences – VNU (2004-2008).

After earning a doctorate in particle physics in 2014 from the University of Texas at Austin, USA, he went to the University of Okayama. He continued to work at the University of Kyoto and later at the High Energy Accelerator Research Institute (KEK) in Japan from 2016 until the middle of this year.

Currently, Dr. Sun works as a researcher at the ICISE Center at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Science and Education (IFIRSE) affiliated with Quinn.

Nhu Quynh

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