Cyber ​​Surveillance: French company Nexa Technologies accused of "complicity in torture" in Egypt

Cyber ​​Surveillance: French company Nexa Technologies accused of “complicity in torture” in Egypt

The French company Nexa Technologies was accused in October of selling cyber surveillance equipment to the regime of President al-Sisi in Egypt, which will help detect enemies. Complicity in torture and enforced disappearances “. Four months after the allegations against SME’s four managers and executives, Nexa’s legal figure was pronounced dead on October 12, AFP learned from a source close to the case on Sunday, confirmed by a source.

When contacted by Nexa Technologies lawyer M Franசois Simere, he declined to comment. The trial began in 2017 following a complaint by FIDH and LDH with the support of the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies. This is based on a 2014 survey by Telorama magazine that revealed sales“Organization asking for மில்லியன் 10 million to fight – officially – against the Muslim Brotherhood”, Anti-Islamism in Egypt. This program, called “Cerebro”, allows you to track a target’s electronic communications in real time from an email address or phone number. NGOs have accused the software of serving a wave of repression against Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s protesters.

Doubts about Libya

It remains to be seen whether the Paris court’s investigation into “crimes against the humanitarian pole” can prove a link between the use of surveillance and repression. Nexus is run by former Amazon officials, who have been the target of another lawsuit since 2013 for selling it to Muammar Gaddafi’s regime between 2007 and 2011, at which time software known as “Eagle” – the ancestor of “Seripro” – would have served. To arrest Libyan protesters. The lawsuit was filed in June against Amesis and its chairman until 2010.

In addition, according to a source close to the file confirming the Liberation information, investigators at the Central Office for the Fight against Crime (OCLCH) suspect that Nexa wants to sell Mars a tactical cell interception system called “Alpha Max”. Haftar is a strongman from eastern Libya. In a brief statement to AFP, investigators say one of the accused leaders in the Egyptian faction has agreed to the trial. ” This sale between Nexa and Marshal Haftar of the Libyan National Army ”.

Seized during a search of contract documents between the advanced Middle East organization created under UAE law created in parallel with Nexa Technologies in 2012 and the Libyan Ministry of Communications and Technology Information in Benghazi. Libya has been a UN Security Council member since 2011. Is under ban and the Libyan National Army is not recognized by the international community. For investigators, these facts may come down to “Criminal involvement with the intent to commit acts of torture or barbarism.

Nexa Technologies denies

But for now, according to a source familiar with the matter, the National Anti-Terrorism Attorney’s Office (Pnat), which is competent in matters related to crimes against humanity, has not extended judicial information to these facts. He explained to AFP that he was standing up for himself “In connection with the ongoing investigations into these crimes”. In a statement, Nexa Technologies denied the allegations “Agreement with Libya by any means”.

She explained that it was advanced systems, “Nexa Technologies’ sister company under UAE law”Signed in September 2020 “An interim agreement with a number of European manufacturers – subject to the condition of obtaining all export authorization (European, American and Emirati) prototype – and another Emirati Agency for the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information of Eastern Libya”.

An agreement ” Its aim is to ‘fight terrorism and organized crime’ with the utmost respect for human rights. She clarified. Corn “This agreement has not come into force as no export approvals have been issued” And the deposit has been refunded to the customer, Nexa assured “All documents confirming these elements” Justice will be informed.

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