S12 Predictions: A Mad Week Ahead?

S12 Predictions: A Mad Week Ahead?

The NFL season is already crazy, but week 12 of games could mark another big upswing in the hierarchy.

Almost all protests are uncertain. Rarely, only two games are unanimous among the forerunners of the draft, as they all defeat the Broncos and Ravens and win against the Browns.

To others, everything seems possible.

In the standings, Alain Matteo (106) and Raphael Masmagin (106) are in the lead. Raul Villarroy (103), Victor Rowlier (103), Gregory Richard (101) and Lucas Vola (100) are following.

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Predictions by the Podcast Group

Week 12
Residence Out Alain Raul Gregory Raphael Lucas Victor
1 Lions Bears Bears Bears Bears Bears Lions Lions
2 Cowboys Testers Cowboys Cowboys Cowboys Cowboys Cowboys Cowboys
3 Saints Bills Bills Bills Bills Bills Bills Bills
4 Bangladesh Steelers Bangladesh Bangladesh Steelers Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh
5 Texans Jet planes Texans Jet planes Texans Texans Texans Texans
6 Golds Buccaneers Buccaneers Buccaneers Golds Buccaneers Buccaneers Buccaneers
7 Jaguars Hawks Hawks Jaguars Jaguars Jaguars Jaguars Hawks
8 Dolphins Leopards Leopards Leopards Dolphins Dolphins Leopards Dolphins
9 Patriots Titans Patriots Titans Patriots Patriots Titans Patriots
10 Giants Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles Giants
11 Broncos Chargers Chargers Chargers Chargers Chargers Chargers Chargers
12 Rams Packers Rams Rams Packers Rams Rams Packers
13 49ers The Vikings 49ers The Vikings 49ers 49ers 49ers 49ers
14 Crows Browns Crows Crows Crows Crows Crows Browns
15 Washington Sea hawks Sea hawks Washington Washington Sea hawks Sea hawks Washington

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