Hacked by FBI hackers

Hacked by FBI hackers

Hackers have infiltrated the email system of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation and sent tens of thousands of messages warning of a possible cyber attack.

Follow Bloomberg, Attack 11/13 (US time) started at 2am. The hackers hacked into the FBI’s email system and sent tens of thousands of emails from the agency’s account.

Subject of the email: “Urgency: threatening agent on the computer”. Cybersecurity expert Winnie Troy may be content to warn users about the attack – he wrote an investigation into the hacker group The Dark Overlord.

The FBI confirmed it and officials said they were “aware of the incident involving cheated emails from an account”.ic.fbi.gov But no further details were released at this time. “

Spamhouse, a non-profit organization, estimates that about 100,000 emails are sent to mailboxes. Austin Berglas, a spokesman for cybersecurity company BlueVoyant, commented: “The FBI has multiple email systems and has been hacked by hackers into the public domain used by agents and employees to send emails to the public. This is an account used to share external transaction accounts and to report unclassified information.”

No malware was attached to the email sent by the hacker. According to Spamhaus, hackers may try to smear Troy or plan an attack by calling the FBI.

Quang Naha (Follow Bloomberg)

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