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Boeing approves launch of a network of satellites delivering the Internet from space

In a statement, the US Federal Communications Commission approved the licensing of the space agency to build, deploy and operate a set of satellites that provide broadband technology and communications services to residential, commercial, corporate and government buildings. With the help of experts in the United States and around the world. “

“Advanced satellite broadband services play a key role in connecting hard service communities,” said Jessica Rosenvorzel, chairwoman of the Federal Communications Commission, according to a report by technology website 360 ​​Gadgets on Thursday.

The Federal Communications Commission has given the green light to launch 147 satellites, most of which will be in low orbit: 132 can be placed at an altitude of about 1,000 km, and 15 between 27,000 km and 44,000. Km The service is available first to customers in the United States and then to customers worldwide.

“Boeing expects a number of orbital futures for satellite technologies,” the space agency said in a statement.

“As the demand for satellite communications increases, diversity across systems and orbital frequencies will be required to meet individual customer needs,” the company explained.

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