Mark Zuckerberg unveils creation of "Robot Skin" to create a virtual world experience

Mark Zuckerberg unveils creation of “Robot Skin” to create a virtual world experience

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, unveiled a new sensor on Monday that will advance his project within the Metaverse experience.

Researchers working in the field of artificial intelligence at Meta have previously teamed up with scientists at Facebook and Carnegie Mellon University to develop a high-precision touch sensor that can be described as a thin “robot skin”.

This material, called ReSkin, contains magnetic particles that create a magnetic field. When the skin comes in contact with another surface, the magnetic field changes from the embedded particles. In doing so, the sensor records the change in magnetic flux before providing data to some AI software, which attempts to understand which force or touch was used.

The AI ​​system must be trained in 100 human touches to ensure that there is enough data to understand how changes in the magnetic field relate to touch.

Zuckerberg stressed the importance of this new invention, saying, “The world goes one step further to make things in the virtual world more realistic, which allows physical interactions in the virtual world.”

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