53% of Romanians say "viruses were made in government laboratories to control our freedom" / 46% "There is a cure for cancer, but it is hidden"

53% of Romanians say “viruses were made in government laboratories to control our freedom” / 46% “There is a cure for cancer, but it is hidden”

We are controlled by governments with viruses, there is cancer treatment, but it is hidden from us, and space research will not help us. According to one, these are three statements that the Romans firmly believe Study by the European Union.

Sociological analysis explores how science and technology are viewed in member countries and in many countries outside of European space.

The Eurobromometer shows the skepticism of “European citizens’ knowledge and attitudes about science and technology” and the most vulnerable in Europe in general culture.

According to a more than 300-page analysis, there are only 13 EU member states, most of which respondents claim that “viruses were produced in government laboratories to restrict our freedom.” They are the Netherlands (84%), Denmark (83%) and Sweden (75%). , Belgium (74%), Ireland (73%) and Germany (70%).

However, 53% of Romans say the opposite. They are followed by Cypriots and Bulgarians (52%)

There are five EU member states, at least three-quarters of which correctly state that cancer treatment is wrong, but it is hidden from the public for commercial purposes: Denmark and Sweden (both 83%), Finland (78%), Belgium (76%) and the Netherlands (75%) ), The study shows.

Bulgaria (22%), Cyprus (27%), Greece (29%) and Romania (34%) are the countries with the lowest number of respondents who correctly state that there is a cure for cancer, but it is hidden from the public for commercial purposes, which compares with the EU average of 56%. .

Of the 11 general cultural test questions, on average, approximately 24% of respondents answered more than eight of the 11 questions correctly, more than half (56%) gave five to eight correct answers and one in five (20%) gave less than five correct answers.

Luxembourg (46%), Belgium and Sweden (both 44%), Ireland and Finland (both 41%), Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany (39% of all) were able to give more than eight correct answers.

Bulgaria (56%), Romania (47%) and Cyprus (42%) are the countries with the highest number of respondents with less than five correct answers.

More than half of the respondents in each EU country believe that space exploration will have a positive effect on life over the next 20 years. Here, too, the Romans have a position against most European countries: only 16% of Romanians believe that space exploration has a positive effect on life.

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