Bird Life International released the new European Red List of Birds on Thursday, October 14, 2021. A red list lists the risk of regional extinction of 544 bird species in more than 50 European countries and regions, and follows the IUCN Red List of species and criteria applicable at the regional level. Each species is endangered by rating ranging from “low concern (LC)” to “extinction (EX)”.
It was announced today Community for the Conservation and Study of the Birds of Serbia, Data collected by more than a thousand experts and volunteers across Europe. This is the fourth edition of BirdLife International, with previous editions 1994. 2004 and 2015. Released this week, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.
Because birds are so sensitive to changes in their environment, they are excellent indicators of our planet’s environment. All life on this planet is connected, and when the birds show us that they are in danger of extinction, it is a sign that we are all in danger.
Some of the key findings of this study are:
– Every fifth bird species in Europe is endangered or almost endangered
– The number of every third species in Europe has declined over the past few decades
– Seabirds, ducks, snipers and predators are very dangerous and these groups are declining rapidly in Europe.
– Marine, agricultural, wetland and grass habitats are the most endangered species
– Decreased numbers of most species of tailor, bun and Macbeth; Ducks and snipers are groups of other birds whose numbers have dropped significantly
– 71 species (13%) endangered in Europe
– 35 species (6%) are nearly extinct (NT)
– 5 species still listed as regional extinct (RE)
The main reasons for the declining number of birds found in European habitats are:
– Changing land use on large lands
Swampland condition (Gallinago gallinago) has changed to LC (VU) type, which is primarily due to habitat loss and nest degradation.
– Intensive agriculture
The condition of the tortoise pigeon (Streptophelia tartur) is within the category of vulnerable organisms (VU) because due to intensive farming, the habitats suitable for its nests are disappearing and the availability of pesticides is reduced.
– Excessive exploitation of marine resources
Coma (Somataria molluscum contagiosum) has transformed its status from endangered species (VU) to endangered species (EN) due to combined factors including infections and food shortages.
– Inland water pollution
The status of the Podiceps nigricollis (PDiceps nigricollis) has evolved from low-risk (LC) to vulnerable (VU), often due to water pollution caused by agricultural activities and urban drainage.
– Standard and routine forestry practices
The level of the large woodpecker (Dendrocophos Major) was of low concern (LC), but the population was declining mainly due to unstable forestry practices.
– Infrastructure development
The Spanish Crusade Eagle (Aquila Adalberti) is one of the most endangered species (VUs) because people face high mortality due to collisions with power lines and electricity.
While the titles on the new European Red List are cautious, there is also good news. Milwaukee Milwaukee and Byrhula murina (Byrhula murina) – two notable success stories in species conservation – referring to the implementation of a targeted approach to species recovery; Interventions such as a well-designed agro-ecological program can save declining populations such as Grex Grex.
“Birds are longer than us on this planet, but because of the speed at which people are exploiting and destroying it, we see some species rapidly moving towards extinction. , “Said Anna Staneva, interim chairman of the Conservation of Birds and Europe.
“One message from the Red List is that we can improve the status of European birds. The number of birds in Europe is declining mainly due to habitat loss, and there are solutions to it. Bird Life Europe’s Species Conservation Officer Claire Rutherford explains.
“The results show that we have not succeeded in sustainable use of our land, freshwater resources or the sea. We want Europe to lead the world in renewing nature, but for that to happen, we must change our economy.
A report on the status of wild birds in Serbia for the needs of the new European Red List of birds was prepared by the Serbian Bird Conservation and Survey (DZPPS), a partner of the international network BirdLife International.
The recently published “Red Book of Birds of Serbia” presents the most endangered bird species from the territory of our country. The Society for the Conservation and Study of Birds of Serbia, in collaboration with partners, led the work of this publication: the Institute of Nature Conservation of Serbia and the Department of Biology and Environment, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Chad.
Data were collected for a total of 352 trusted registered species, of which 255 bird species could be analyzed. The results are alarming because 123 species are at risk of extinction, and risk factors include pollution from agriculture, including hunting, poaching and gathering individuals (endangering 40 species) and pesticide poisoning (endangered to 44 species).