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When massive objects (such as neutron stars or black holes) collide, they form gravitational waves. In addition, a large amount of gold and precious metals are spread around.
Researchers say neutron stars are the most dangerous objects in space. They have a spherical shape due to the thermal equilibrium created by nuclear forces and gravity.
At the end of life, the upper layers of neutron stars collapse and form an explosion: a supernova. At this time, the core of the star is under strong pressure, which leads to the fusion of protons and electrons, resulting in the formation of neutrons and neutrinos. Since the neutron mass is 90%, the star can no longer move.
Gravitational waves are like those produced by a heavy object falling on the surface. It creates sound that can be detected by special tools.
This phenomenon is also known as Kilonova. Astronomers first saw a Kilonova in 2017. The event took place 140 light-years from Earth.
Kilonowell builds all the components to create rocky planets, ready to support organisms instantly.
Photo source: Wire UK