Penemuan Awan di Atmosfer WASP-127b, Terdeteksi Para Astronom

WASP-127b The discovery of clouds in the atmosphere was discovered by astronomers

WASP-127b The discovery of clouds in the atmosphere was discovered by astronomers
Description of Discovery Clouds in Atmospheric WASP-127b. Photo: Ist / Net

WASP-127b The discovery of clouds in the atmosphere was detected by the International Astronomical Union. In addition, they measure height using unprecedented accuracy.

Astronomers detect and measure altitude from discovery clouds in astronomy WASP-127b

Citing science, astronomers have discovered clouds on the gas giant planet. It is located 520 light years from Earth.

Because the observations are so extensive, it allows scientists to distinguish the height of clouds. It can know the structure of the upper atmosphere and even its highest accuracy.

This will help them to better understand the atmosphere of Exoplanets. Look for worlds with life-friendly conditions or life signatures on the spectrum. In addition, scientists have the opportunity to produce weather reports for distant aliens.

The discovery of clouds in the WASP-127b atmosphere occurred in 2016. This extraterrestrial is 1.3 times larger than Jupiter. But its mass is only 0.16 times that of Jupiter.

Therefore, the atmosphere of this planet is very thin and thin. Therefore, the team was able to analyze the contents based on the light going from the star to the extraterrestrial.

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Planetary atmospheric composition

Doctor-led research team. Romaine Alert integrates data from ground-based space telescopes at the 2021 Euro Planet Science Congress (EPSC). They have discovered the upper structure of the planet’s atmosphere.

The team then incorporated infrared observations from the ESA / NASA Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Light measurements were taken from the ESPRESSO spectrograph at the Southern European Laboratory Telescope in Chile.

Using adequate equipment, researchers are able to explore different parts of the atmosphere.

The discovery of clouds in the atmosphere by WASP-127b detected the presence of sodium. The existence of this object seems to be at a very low altitude. It was very different from what they thought.

Then the infrared also shows a strong vapor signal. However, at wavelength it is not known.

This means that water vapor can be filtered through opaque clouds. Waves at that length are less visible. But in the infrared it is obvious.

It is very difficult to find the composition of the planet’s atmosphere. This is because most exoplanets are not directly visible. The existence of exoplanets is based on the effects of their mother star.

As the exoplanet passes, the light from the star fades slightly. If these events occur frequently at regular intervals, they may be a sign of the Orbit Exo Planet.

WASP-127b Detection of clouds in the atmosphere as stellar light travels through the atmosphere. Then the wavelengths in the spectrum are absorbed by different elements. A signature suction line is then formed and the panel can decode it to observe atmospheric conditions.

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High resolution absorption data

Alert and team used high-definition absorption data. The goal is to reduce the height of the cloud to a lower layer. The pressure ranges from 0.3 to 0.5 millibar.

Of course, scientists do not yet know the composition of these clouds. This system is not a droplet like it is on Earth.

The discovery of sodium in the atmosphere was very confusing. For future research, they will dig deeper into the WASP-127b detection of clouds in the atmosphere.

Exoplanet is an interesting place. Because the entire orbit around its star occurs in four days. Then WASP-127b received more radiation than Earth, which is 600 times.

The temperature even reaches 1100 degrees Celsius. It is 1.3 times larger than Jupiter. It forms one of the least dense extraterrestrials.

Its nature makes it easy to expand, making it easier for the team to observe. In this way, WASP-127b allows researchers to better understand the properties of the atmosphere.

WASP-127b is not only in the opposite direction of its star’s rotation. Yet around the star poles at an almost obvious angle.

Such a system is estimated to be about 10 billion years old. Such an encounter was then unexpected in Saturn’s hot old star system. The possible cause is an unknown accessory.

Scientists will be actively studying the discovery of clouds in the WASP-127b atmosphere in the future. This includes the unique properties of Exo Planet. (R10 / HR Online)

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