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According to Howard Hawks, the purest form of a classic Western

His name, known to those who have not seen him, is enough to awaken the whole tradition. Built in a series of memorabilia by passionate and famous filmmakers of this genre such as Franோois Trafford, Jean-Luc Godard, Martin Scorsese, John Carpenter and Quentin Tarantino. Rio Bravo It not only embodies the glory of classic Western nations, but also symbolizes the essential simplicity and humanity of Howard Hawks films.

John Wayne is a tired sheriff, Dean Martin is an alcoholic beggar, Ricky Nelson is a pretty arrogant young gunman, Walter Brennan is a loving cranky old man and a chaotic cheater. Thugs. Return to Rio Bravo for a tour of the greatest western countries in film history..

Do not move, I light up, you tell me

America, true

In the early 1960s, after Delmar Daves, Rowal Walsh and Anthony Mann, the so-called Golden Age came to an end, with authors such as: Broken arrow, Fantastic new Or Food, The West (and cinemas in general) has become a rival to television, Threatens the Hollywood system with its popularity.

A metaphor for the Western American mythology he defined and redefined Fantastic ride, The pursuit of hell, Fort Apache Massacre Further Prisoner of the DesertJohn Ford fills in the classic Western symbol The man who killed the balance of freedom 1962, but not before Howard Hawks wants to give him one last fight..

Again Pharaoh’s land In 1955, with his pharaoh’s pebble and his first business failure, the filmmaker retired and traveled to Europe. Three years later he started production Rio Bravo, Then his third West Red River 1948 and Clear prisoners In 1952 he Think of it as pure entertainment in response to “brilliant” movies, Especially to another Westerner he hates: The train whistles three times..

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In a 1952 film directed by Fred Jinnerman, a resigned sheriff, played by Gary Cooper, learns that a convicted felon has come his way to revenge. So, he sought help from his agent and the people of the cityWho abandons him. Only his Quaker wife helps him.

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According to Howard Hawks, the purest form of a classic Western

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