Google Chrome 94 beta browser shows its first optimization for gaming

Google Chrome 94 beta browser shows its first optimization for gaming

With the announcement of the beta version of Chrome 94, the arrival of two new technologies on the test bench will delight gaming enthusiasts. Web browser for gaming.

First of all, Webcodex aims to give developers better access to audio, image (including original video images) and video encoding and decoding codecs in a web browser. At a reduced level, the codec should allow for better support for emerging applications such as streaming gaming that are sensitive to delay. It would have been in codecs like JavaScript, without increasing consumption.

The second innovation, WebGPU, is a programming interface that aims to give developers their own access to a device’s graphics card so they can communicate directly with the language they understand without an additional software layer. Here again, it is an gain in the speed sought. Enough ” Make it easy for developers to create graphical-intensive games that run on the browser, using the full power of the current generation of GPUs “, According to On the edge.

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