Goodwill hackers have left the Quebec government

Goodwill hackers have left the Quebec government

We cannot accept that the government is trying to sue someone for helping themPatrick Mathew, a computer security expert and co-founder of Hackfest, is a community that brings together thousands of experts to help governments or organizations detect Internet security vulnerabilities.

In a message to its community released on Tuesday, Hackfest announced it Will no longer help the Quebec government […] As long as there is a clear, official and publicly responsible exposure process.

The majority of people in our community work safely, have professionals, families … we can’t put them at risk because they want to help the government.

A quote:Patrick Mathieu, IT security expert and co-founder of Hackfest

Radio-Canada revealed on Tuesday that a computer scientist who had detected and warned of a flaw in the use of VaxiCode that allowed the creation of invalid QR codes had offered his assistance to the government several times. In return, however, he asked for assurances that he would not be criminally prosecuted.

But Quebec did not accede to his request, despite reports from Eric Khair, the minister in charge of government digital transformation.

Instead, Minister Eric Cairn’s cabinet blamed the computer scientist Fraud And the file was sent to Sûreté du Québec, said Minister Nathalie St-Pierre’s press secretary. If he had not come out in public, we might have cooperated, She said.

On Tuesday, Minister Cairo posted a comment on Twitter.

No complaint has been filed against “Lewis” following his warning. QR code spoofing investigations are ongoing, but we need to be clear: we want to work with responsible citizens and cyber security professionals.

A quote:Minister Eric Khair, on Twitter, on Tuesday

The computer scientist turned to Radio-Canada to expose his discovery. This computer scientist defines himself as one White hat (White hat), worthy of good-meaning hackers.

If he is not bothered by the police, it does not apply to other hackers who have downloaded the QR codes of celebrities, including Prime Minister Franசois Legalt. The complaint against them has actually been filed with the police, confirming government evidence.

“We have asked for public safety to continue these investigations,” Health Minister Christian Dubey told a news conference on Tuesday.

Eric Cairo was set on fire by critics

Close-up of Eric Cairn.

Ministerial Representative for Government Digital Transformation, ric Caire.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Ivano Demers

This may encourage future expressions [pour] Improve Quebec government information systemsSteve Waterhouse, former IT security officer at the Ministry of Defense and a cyber security lecturer at Sherbrook University.

The minister may have guaranteed him immunityMP Martin O’Leary, the parliamentary speaker of the party Quebecois, apologizes. He gives immunity to people who want to help him, Ethics and Health Spokesperson Quebec Duterte Vincent Maricel Adds Member.

The government has everything wrong. […] Eric Khair failed his exam and now he is attacking the editor.

A quote:Vincent Maricel, spokeswoman for the Quebec Project on ethics and health issues

In an email he exchanged with the government’s cyber security center, he urged the government to create a plan to follow Whistleblower France. Bug boon Those who find cyber security breaches should be rewarded instead of threatened.

According to our information, the government is working on a program that exposes these types of deficiencies without fear of prosecution. A detailed announcement may be made on Wednesday.

Eric Khair is ready to cooperate Hackers Beneficial, Health Minister, Christian Dubey said. We are very open to that.

In collaboration with Sebastian Bowett and Camille Carpentier.

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