Horror movies produced by Jordan Peale increase box office revenue

Jordan Peale confirms its leadership position in horror: its new product Candies This is already a big blow to box office success.

Good news for horror fans. Relaunched by Jordan Peale, his remake, directed by Universal and MGM, Nia Dacosta. Candies Dominate at the US box office this weekend. Released in late August, the number of government cases in the United States is on the rise. Candies However, he earned an attractive income of $ 22.4 million. Expired..

This is paradoxical, isn’t it?

Based on a score above the initial estimate given 15 million marks DiversAll accounting lights are already green, The production budget for the film is just $ 25 million and has not yet been released internationally. Another pride of the team is the fourth highest rated horror film in history released this year. The last goal (27.4 million), Do not breathe the house of darkness (26.4 million) Halloween Rob Zombie (holiday weekend $ 26.3 million).

He praised the remake’s mix of brilliance, horror and social commentary and met with positive reviews. Candies So this is already a clear and obvious success, But the film still has an important role to play. Change your tests next weekend, especially strategic. It’s definitely American Labor Day, a three-day weekend that has traditionally been particularly beneficial to theaters. Also, the competition did not fail.

Anyway, a little smile?

Candyman will definitely have to prove himself against the Marvel Jaguar reference Legend of Chiang Kai and 10 Rings (Also, like Free Guy, the Ryan Reynolds movie can really pull it off at the end of its run.) He’s a big enemy, but thanks to the positive reviews and suggestions for the opposite type of entertainment, Candyman can be alone. When that happens Candies Be one of the first big winners of the fall. Thanks for responding next week! On the other hand, for France, it is necessary to wait until September 29.

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Horror movies produced by Jordan Peale increase box office revenue

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