Rimini Weather: Partly cloudy today, Monday Partly cloudy, Tuesday Partly cloudy
08/29/2021, Rimini Weather Forecast. The day is characterized by a partly cloudy sky, with temperatures ranging from 17 to 24 C
Rimini Weather Forecast
Rimini, Sunday, August 29th: Partly cloudy day, minus 17 ° C, maximum 24 C. Today the maximum temperature will be 24 ° C at 3 pm and the minimum temperature will be 17 ° C at 6 am. Winds will be around 15km / h in the morning and weak at 5km / h in the evening from the southeast. High sunlight intensity at 1 pm, with a UV value of 6.8, corresponds to 867W / m2.
Monday, August 30thThe day is characterized by scattered clouds, min 16 ° C, maximum 26 C in detail: cloudy skies in the morning, scattered clouds throughout the day. Tomorrow the maximum temperature will be 26 ° C at 3 pm and the minimum temperature will be 16 ° C at 6 am. Winds will be weak at 10 kmph in the south-southeast direction, moderate in the afternoon at 12 kmph from the east-southeast and moderate in the south-southeast at 14km / h to 9km in the evening. The maximum solar intensity at 1 pm is UV value 6.6, which is related to 851W / m2.
Tuesday 31st August: General conditions for cloudy skies, minimum 20 ° C, maximum 26 C. The maximum temperature will be 26 ° C at 2 pm and the minimum temperature will be 20 ° C at 6 am. Winds will be weak at a speed of about 7 km / h from north-northwest, weak at a speed of about 9 km / h from northeast in the afternoon and weak at a speed of about 8 km / h in the evening. High sunlight intensity with a UV value of 6.4 at 1 pm is associated with 838W / m2.
Wednesday, September 1st: Good weather day. The maximum temperature during the day is recorded at 2 pm and is 26 ° C and the minimum is 19 C at 7 am. / H, intensity of about 10 km / h from northeast in the afternoon and weakening with intensity of about 6 km from east-southeast in the evening. High sunlight intensity corresponds to 866W / m2, with a UV value of 6.6 at 1 p.m.
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