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Sean Benn wants to force a vaccine to see his movie

Go to the movie National Flag Anniversary In the United States, you need to be vaccinated. Either way, that’s exactly what actor and director Sean Benn wants.

Is it good to hear from Sean Penn? Since we have our vision for his next film, we don’t have major actors yet, National Flag Anniversary, At this year’s Cannes Film Festival. Yes, Appears after its catastrophe Last face, The actor decided to set aside his talent as a director.. If so, we don’t have to worry anymore. Sean Benn directed Hughes himself and decided to multiply his legend by 10 thanks to the mini scandal.

First, when he was settled The gas burned, An ambitious series of Watergate plays,The actor-director decided not to proceedUntil the whole group is vaccinated. Therefore, he stressed that vaccination should be mandatory for all shoots and is ready to cover the cost of vaccination through his non-profit organization Core. At the onset of the epidemic, his association funded $ 1.7 million in the fight against the virus.

Sean Benn didn’t stop there because he made the announcement during the first screening of the new film on August 11th. Various, Does not apply to visitors against vaccines: Those who have not been vaccinated are advised not to go to the movies. Stay home until you are convinced that these vaccines are indeed safe.

“Did you take the second dose?”

This was not only the first door closed for his film fans, the actor further strengthened it by announcing during the show CNN His willingness to deny being vaccinated during the screening of his film:

“The public – yes, we’re happy to demand that it be exclusively vaccinated – had the opportunity to see it in the cinema. Pollution (National Flag Anniversary, Editor’s Note). Recently, I rarely see anything in the cinemas. Alone, one day anotherThis is a broadcast and the best time for non-vaccinated people to watch the film., I will make them angry and motivated. “ […] [Lors du tournage de Gaslit] I do not want itYes No. Feeling we have ‘Run out of gas’ emotionally.. And I think everyone should be vaccinated. I think it is necessary to turn on the car headlights at night. “

Apparently, Sean Benn didn’t really satisfy everyone and may not meet enough viewers. And this is already the case. The beginning National Flag Anniversary US box office revenue is only $ 40,000When the reunion entered the screen of his daughter Dylan Penn, he himself may have attracted a large audience.

Photo by Javier BarthemPhoto by Javier BarthemSean Benn sent his own doctor to vaccinate people

It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. That’s right Mandatory vaccination in theaters is expanding to the United StatesMeasurements will be taken from September 13, especially in New York, and in Los Angeles, the larger Apple model will be used.

In France, you need a health subscription to visit National Flag Anniversary.. to confirm, The film is set to hit French screens on September 29.. If you already want to get your first impression, get a movie review. Otherwise, you can always laugh when reading “ruthless” reviews. The last face..

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Sean Benn wants to force a vaccine to see his movie

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