MLB wants to impose a pay base on 2022

MLB wants to impose a pay base on 2022

The MLB is the only pro-league league in North America that does not operate with a pay cap. Players have always refused to install one, which does not always go well with MLB.

But will that stop big league baseball officials from constantly trying to impose themselves on players? no answer.

In fact, according to reports from The Athletes Ken Rosenthal and Evan Trellich, the MLP is in talks to create a system that is closer to what they want.

According to the MLB plan, the luxury tax will have $ 100 million in floor space and $ 180 million in first door.

The MLB wants to do that on the sidelines of the upcoming union talks. The contract expires at the end of the season.

Basically, at the top of the pyramid, the principle is the same. There will only be three on the luxury line. Teams that want to overtake them have to pay luxury taxes to poorer teams.

Among the poorer teams, seven clubs have not spent $ 100 million this year. However, it is not clear what the consequences of not hitting the bottom will be.

Players can be expected to reject the offer very quickly. After all, they don’t want a hat and since many teams are now over $ 180M no one (except LA) wants to pay the luxury tax, big teams will cut back.

Good teams spend less and less good clubs put out their money. Players don’t like it. After all, in 2014, the first stop for luxury taxes was $ 189 million. Baseball will go back in the eyes of players, in almost a decade.

Negotiations between MLB and MLBPA will be difficult, you say? In fact, yes.

10 e some
  • Big win for the fairies.

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