Edge: Julie Delby's event series on September 6 at Canal +

Edge: Julie Delby’s event series on September 6 at Canal +

The new original creation from Canal +, “On the Verge” marks Julie Delphi’s first trip to the series world. In the midst of the middle life crisis in Los Angeles, with a fascinating account of the daily lives of four friends.

Viewers see Julie Delphi in a record of excellence, existential humor. In On the edge, She manages – with devastating humor – to deal with the concerns of these four friends as women who will be a turning point in their lives, when they see American society critically, with a fully accepted political dimension. But always conducted with subtlety.

This is a way for the director to continue Two days in Paris (2007), and its sequel Two days in New York (2012), to stage four and fifty female characters, without falling into the clichேs that are often told to them in fiction.

“I wanted to talk about women over the age of 40 who are vibrant, vibrant, and still have a future! Because, especially in the United States, a woman in her fifties can soon be put in her room as soon as the pot boils. For these women, inspired by my friends, life Continuing, it is important to show that they can jump back and that there is no inevitability, not that we can no longer have children, that we no longer have a function on this planet, ”Julie Delphi explains in a press release.

Summary of On the edge : “Before Los Angeles, four friends in middle life crisis were trying to deceive their family life and their careers. For Justin, the French chef at a trendy restaurant, Anne, is a high stylist, with all three children, and Yasmin trying to get out of 12-year maternity leave, number one daily. The ‘balancing act’ is mostly rock ‘n’ roll! “

Decreased to 12 episodes in about 30 minutes, On the edge Available on Canal + and myCANAL streaming platforms from September 6. With Julie Delphi, Alexia Landio, Elizabeth Shoe, Sarah Jones, Matthew Demi and Giovanni Ripley.

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