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Volkswagen News became the first vehicle purchased with bitcoins in Argentina. Globally, the first sale of a car, paid for by cryptocurrencies, was made in Lamborghini 2018.
Car prices are hit hard by the US dollar and for many years it has been the norm to pay for 0km with tickets. Cryptocurrencies are emerging as an alternative as a payment method as there are limits to the people in the country to purchase this currency.
In this sense, the merchant Grubo Dietrich and the Argentine start-up Python announced that they have been able to jointly sell a Volkswagen vehicle with cryptocurrencies and are looking for more users to buy units with Bitcoin (BTC) and Tether (USDT).
Dietrich Group is trying to sell the entire unit in cryptocurrencies because, so far, only the Reserve Advance has been paid. The operation was carried out in conjunction with the cryptocurrency start-up Python, which maintains an alternative to using this payment method in savings plans and installments.
The company evaluates allowing customers to pay with cryptocurrencies for auto parts, spare parts and unit reviews.. To do this, the buyer agrees to the terms of the peso, enables Python to make the payment, and sends the peso to Gropo Dietrich. After that, the customer will receive a QR code to pay the outstanding amount, which is valid for 15 minutes, while the rest of the process is like a “traditional purchase”, with the company visiting, completing the details, signing the documents and removing the vehicle.
Business Manager, Grubo Dietrich Sebastian Polo, He explained the new purchase method: “Argentines have incorporated this system. We also add the option to purchase vehicles with cryptocurrencies to open us up to a wider variety of customers.
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Globally, companies like Tesla began to adopt cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin in particular, as a means of payment, is used in some countries, such as BMW and Nissan. In turn, new companies are emerging that accept this payment method
BitCar, a website with partial ownership of exotic cars, mainly luxury brands. It uses a blockchain based site and allows the site to purchase a car through a “utility token” mechanism that includes a property that can be traded on the Bitcoin auction platform.
Second, Mercado Paco examines Mercado Libre’s wallet to attach cryptocurrencies and submit its application Also, even if this is not a fact, they want to “go that direction” because they take PayPal and Square as an example of what they do in the United States. In the same way, we have seen the acceptance of cryptocurrencies by public port management (AGP), football teams, athletes, the president and small investors.
However, so far many dealers in Argentina have not accepted payment with cryptocurrencies. But thanks to the speed our country has in accepting them, soon it is likely to become something everyday.
Yanina Orego, Said the CEO of Capitol Editions Infobe: “With the massive adoption we have seen in recent months, it is not surprising that Argentina will be among the top three Latin American countries with the highest profits in bitcoin by 2020. The best thing for all Argentines is to start reading this world because in the distant future, it will be necessary for everyday life, when we use money to go to the cards, So will cryptocurrencies. “
“Passionate creator. Wannabe travel expert. Reader. Entrepreneur. Zombie aficionado. General thinker.”