The amazing linguistic diversity of Los Angeles Latinos

The amazing linguistic diversity of Los Angeles Latinos

The City of Angels is the most Spanish-speaking city in the United States, but it also belongs to large Native American communities from Latin America. Associations are campaigning for their own languages ​​to be recognized as English and Spanish.

A large census was conducted in Los Angeles during the Covid 19 epidemic Los Angeles Times. Ciolo, a voluntary charity that pledged allegiance to Native Americans, showed interest in the Latin suburbs of the American city. After several months of work, the association released a specific map of Los Angeles in early July: “Instead of geographical signs, we see different languages ​​of the city.”

While English and Spanish dominate, other Latin American languages ​​are more prevalent in some parts of the California metropolis. They are indicated by a color code, the newspaper reports:

Red and green dots in the Pico-Union and Westlake areas indicate the Oaxaca Valley Sabotech and Mayan Kiche ‘speaking houses. The blue dots of Long Beach indicate



The giant of the west coast. Founded in 1881, it is one of the strongest left-wing newspapers in the country and a leading expert in the field of social issues and entertainment. He did not become until the 1940s


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