A revolutionary development for "WhatsApp" .. Get rid of your phone and enjoy correspondence

A revolutionary development for “WhatsApp” .. Get rid of your phone and enjoy correspondence

The giant Facebook-owned WhatsApp messaging app is set to launch an experiment aimed at freeing its users from mobile phones and announcing limitations such as familiar battery failures.

The company, which has more than two billion users, will allow a limited number of test users to use the service on 4 “non-telephone” devices, according to AFP.

Currently, WhatsApp can be used on “peripherals” such as computers, but the application will not run on the user’s smartphone if it is not connected to the Internet or its battery is depleted.

The Facebook security team explained in a post that this new feature allows you to use WhatsApp on your phone “and up to 4 non-phone devices simultaneously, even when the battery is running.”

The company noted that “the new WhatsApp Multi-Device removes configuration barriers related to the loss of slow access devices or Internet connectivity” and “keeps user data synchronized, private, transparent and secure”.

Its scope will be expanded after improvements are made to this feature.

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