Social networks such as Facebook and Instagram and news sites such as WhatsApp or Telegram They are subject to cuts on the orders of the authorities in Cuba Following the outbreak of the protests, according to Internet watchdog NetBlog.
(You may be interested in: What led to the protests against the government in Cuba?)
According to a report on its website, the body detected “partial interference” in the services of various communications sites this Monday and added to it. “Target controls” may be intended to control the flow of information Thousands of people took to the streets of Cuba on Sunday to protest against the government.
Net Blocks measurements “WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram platforms and some telegram servers are intercepted by government ETECSA (Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba, SA), including Cuba Cell, Mobile network operated by the only telecommunications company in Cuba“.
(read more: Theas-Colonel accused the United States of wanting to provoke ‘explosions’ in Cuba)
Eva Marie Uskettui. AFP
According to the lab, the cuts have been confirmed by users of these services on the island. Net Blocks Internet Measurements 50 tracking points This Monday to confirm that the servers of these sites are “partially or completely unavailable on landlines and cell phones”.
(What else: Demonstrations in Cuba are reported online)
Despite this, NetBlogs confirms it VPN services, Used in many countries to ignore auditing, Still working for many users. The number of detainees during the July 11 protests in various parts of Cuba is unknown because authorities have not provided data on those arrested.
Since these protests never took place in Cuba after the 1959 revolution, the 11-J demonstrations are considered historic today. Except for the famous ‘Malegonaso’ of 1994, When groups of protesters took to the streets in Havana to protest the shortage during the “special period” crisis.
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