In a study exclusively obtained by VEJA, in the first year of the epidemic, the number of Brazilians claiming to believe in science increased by 87% to 91% compared to pre-epidemic periods. Study on the topic of Annual Science and Science Schedule was conducted by 3M in seventeen different countries.
According to the survey, 92% of Brazilians (up against 88% of the world average) agree that vaccines are an important tool in tackling current public health challenges, and 93% (91% worldwide) scientists acknowledge that future well-being is important.
The annual schedule of the state of science also pointed out the projects that Brazilians have prioritized for the post-epidemic situation. The activities listed as the most important in this regard are hugging people safely (preferred by 64% of participants), giving up wearing masks (61%), going to cultural events (46%) and traveling with friends and family (43%).
Paulo Kandolpi, Director of Innovation, Research and Development at 3M Latin America, said: “Brazilians believe in the region’s vital role in the country and rely on scientists to help us rebuild our lives and restore our routine.
As a result of this pro-science movement, 78% of Brazilians believe that during epidemics, scientists and physicians are encouraging new generations to pursue science-based careers, as opposed to just 62% worldwide. Obviously, science is better obtained here than in many other countries.