Joe Gordy is a pervert in the eyes of the nation

Joe Gordy is a pervert in the eyes of the nation

Last night, Max Scherzer got stuck in the nerves when he asked referees to check if Joe Girardi was using the products on the balls.

The new MLP rule is that each pitcher is tested to see if he complies with the law. And Joe Girardi told the referees to add more as it knocked the pitcher out of his hinges.

Needless to say it went out of hand. The Nationals don’t really want the opposing manager to try to get the best one out of his comfort zone in the middle.

This explains why the Nations called him Girardi when he was expelled Con Artist, Or a perversion.

But the story does not end there.

Phyllis called the commissioner’s office to find out why the manager was fired. Neither did Dave Domprovsky, nor did his manager get a chance to insist that he was not a pervert – not far from it.

We can see that the situation is even more dangerous for key players, i.e. starters.

From the way I look at it, Girardi saw the concern with the Scherzer method, and he misused it. He did everything he could to get the launcher out of his game, even if it meant getting out of the game. Sports.

The Pillies lost that game 3-2, but the Pillies manager has nothing to regret about it, in my opinion. He only used destiny.

The new way of doing things like this is questionable. Pitchers do not want to show this in front of everyone, especially if they do not want this abrupt rule change, which does not go through the MLBPA.

Will the MLP not change its decision and let the teams fight? Is she going to take the steps back? Certainly not the first …

Whatever it is, the damage is done in the eyes of the players … especially the pitchers.

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