The new sanctions announced by the United States are not the signal expected after the Geneva summit

The new sanctions announced by the United States are not the signal expected after the Geneva summit

Jake Sullivan, national security adviser to President Joe Biden, said the United States was preparing new sanctions against the Russian Federation, “this is not the signal expected after the Geneva summit,” Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov told the United States on Sunday. Reports to TASS.

This is not the signal expected after the summit. I think it is impossible to restore relations between countries through sanctions. At present, the goal is to restore the conversation, to restore the destroyed dialog methods, “Antonov underlined.

The Russian ambassador said he would like to work on implementing “those positive words spoken by the presidents” at the Geneva summit.

We are preparing for another series of sanctions to be used in this situation, “Jack Sullivan told CNN on Sunday, four days after the Geneva summit between the US president and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

During a summit on Wednesday, Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin expressed their desire to ease tensions, Acerpress reported. Vladimir Putin announced the return of the Russian and US ambassadors to their posts after meeting with Joe Biden in Geneva on Wednesday, a long-awaited firm decision at the summit.

The Russian ambassador to Washington, recalled for consultations in March, returned to the United States on Sunday, where he will resume his post.

Author: Liviu Gojan

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