There are Fiber between galaxies.
They are invisible, but they are, and scientists now understand that they are in motion.
From Potsdam, Germany Details have been released Of this particular inquiry.
Cosmic Super Highways
The gigantic intergalactic fibers are not directly visible, but their distance is observed due to the influence they exert on the light emitted by other distant celestial bodies. These fibers are in motion. Not only do they walk away or get closer to us, they return.
This is basically what it is It was revealed Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics, located in Potsdam, Germany.
The researchers were able to calculate the angular velocity for some of these movements. This moment is the key function for accurately describing rotation, and makes it clear that these matter connectors rotate hundreds of millions of light years “on scales never seen before.”
The first author of this discovery, astronomer Peng Wang, referred to these rarely detectable fibers as a kind of “cosmic superhighway”. These “elegant cylinders” contain galaxies compared to pencils, but “in these measurements, the galaxies themselves are samples of dust.”
Singing Observations
Usually the material flows from low density areas to exaggerated areas and its movement is done vertically or in helical orbit.
However, the forces responsible for this massive rotation are an unresolved issue for the Potsdam team because “there is no primitive rotation in the early universe” and no rotation occurs when structures in space form.
The team came to this discovery using sophisticated mapping of galaxy clusters at depth and measurements of differences in redshift (electromagnetic radiation emitted or reflected from an object is redesigned at the end of the electromagnetic spectrum) so that neighboring visible parts of the sky can be connected by a fiber. These differences in redshift, as a function of the angle of view, indicate what is the difference in velocity between the galaxies that are moving away and supposedly approaching the cylinder.
Explain to investigators that “the rotation of the fiber is more clearly detected when seen at the edge” In an article published in Nature This summarizes the measurements made on June 14. In addition, a very large rotation of the halos around the light sources located at each end of the fiber is detected., Rt, Nature, ExoplanetasNoticias, Youtube.