Within half an hour and without celebrations, Netanyahu hands over his duties to the Bennett government and vows to overthrow it |  Israel News

Within half an hour and without celebrations, Netanyahu hands over his duties to the Bennett government and vows to overthrow it | Israel News

Today, Monday, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu handed over his duties to his successor Naphtali Bennett, which lasted only half an hour at a meeting.

No statement was issued by the Israeli prime minister until the news was made, and no pictures of the meeting were released.

“The joint session between Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett and former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ended at the Prime Minister’s Office,” the Israel Broadcasting Corporation said.

The meeting lasted only half an hour, during which Netanyahu explained to Bennett the key points to be addressed, and no statement was made about the meeting and no pictures were released.

The Israeli media had previously stated that “Netanyahu will not take part in any symbolic or ceremonial ceremony to hand over power today because he does not want to give Bennett legitimacy.”

Yesterday evening, after the Israeli government won the confidence of 60 members of the Senate, 59 opposed and one voted.

This morning, members of the new government posed for a commemorative photo with Israeli President Rouen Rivlin.

In his first speech as leader of the right-wing opposition in the Nazareth, on Sunday, Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu promised to overthrow the new government led by Bennett.

In a speech to representatives of the right-wing and religious opposition he leads, Netanyahu said that this government would be overthrown at an early stage because it was a dangerous fraudulent government and that the people of Israel would be saved as he had said. .

Netanyahu called on members of the opposition to call for iron discipline to ensure the removal of the government.

In turn, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Shtaye said, “The Palestinian government does not consider the new government in Israel to be inferior to the previous government.” Shtaye also condemned the new Israeli prime minister for announcing his support for the settlements.

At the same time, Shtaye felt that with the departure of Netanyahu, one of the worst moments in the history of the conflict with Israel was over.

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