To combat global warming, a company makes masks for cows ...

To combat global warming, a company makes masks for cows …

Cargill, an American company, will provide masks for cows from next year. Equipment should reduce the emission of methane, a gas that is harmful to the environment.

If humans get used to wearing face masks for months, in the next few years … a new type of mask for cows may seem very confusing. In fact, Kargil, an American company specializing in food and the trade in agricultural raw materials, has developed such equipment. Objective: Methane absorption by livestock emitters, reports Such an echo.

This mask, created by Jelp, can capture half of the methane released by the burps by these animals. This is especially produced when the latter glows. Besides methane is 30 times hotter than CO2, so it is harmful to the environment.

Sold in Europe in 2022

Breeders and agricultural companies have faced a major challenge over the years: reducing methane emissions from livestock digestion. This mask may be a real solution as this gas is mainly rejected by the nose of cows. It is placed just above the nose and acts as an exhaust catalyst.

Marketing of this equipment may start in Europe next year. Kargil breeders are required to pay a subscription of € 65 per animal per year. The latter can seek the help of Europe in the fight against global warming.

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