Aurelie Jean - Private Invention: American Example

Aurelie Jean – Private Invention: American Example

AT During a speech to the United States Congress, Joe Biden was highly praised. What is the meaning of the enthusiasm of the Members of Parliament? The Democrats defended the idea of ​​creating a structure similar to the DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Program Agency) for research in life sciences. Darba is a national security research institute that runs public projects and, in addition, funds US-initiated private innovation projects for military applications. Works supported by GPS or the Internet and its services. Biden now wants to create a “National Center for Advanced Research in Health” that will facilitate innovations driven by private actors. What may seem like a distant idea seen from France is actually an institutional concept that needs to be explored in a practical way.

The development of many vaccines against Covid 19 in the United States would not have been possible without public funding in educational research on ambassador RNA, and in many early stages Deep technology Department of Pharmacology and Biology. Deep technology Translated into French as “deep technology”, but we may use the expression “disruptive young development” if we prefer the English expression commonly used by the French technology community.

Read moreHow RNA can change our lives

Such beginnings have the distinction of being born out of the results of a recent research project or into continuous development. The Deep technology This is facilitated by the acceleration of innovations in certain areas of research and their industrial application. Investing in such companies allows the state to use their structural flexibility, their interaction with the field and the speed of their growth. Knowing that financial risk is high for beginners Deep technology For their traditional technical counterparts, the government plays a fundamental supporting role.

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We need to go further

In the midst of the Covid 19 epidemic, the life and health sciences are at the center of Biden’s administration’s plan to help further innovate the country in these areas. The French government may be inspired by this vision to invest more in such initiatives in conjunction with educational laboratories. Some will say that we already have companies that finance start-ups like PPI (Public Investment Bank), which is a good thing. But why not go further? On this side of the Atlantic, why not imagine that the birth of an organization like the ANR (National Association for Research) plays more or less the role of darba? By giving it the means and resources it needs, of course.

Private and public research, without a mediator, and finally, a unique opportunity to build harmonious collaborations between teams; Citizens, the economy and the country benefit from it.

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