For decades, scientists have been wondering how animals like birds and insects have been able to return to our planet, while many of them have made incredible migrations. One more question in the study on this Albert Einstein At the right time it started to tilt.
According to him, the study of animals will allow important discoveries for mankind. In a letter not yet published, we find that he raised this issue Clin Davis, Seeker. This is his widow, Judith Davis Sharing information with RMIT researchers in Melbourne, Australia.
Einstein imagined a new form of physics
Asked about the subject, Adrian Dyer, Confirmed the information, Einstein’s first analyzes seem to confirm the current research. According to Dye worker, Einstein Proposed 70 years ago a new view of physics about the senses and senses of animals. Today, the first results confirm the former physicist’s first ideas.
A decisive meeting
Letter expressing it on April 49th Einstein Met the Nobel Prize Carl von Frisch, On the topic of animal research. The two then engaged in research, which showed that bees travel from the sky using the polarity of light. According to Einstein, finding the way birds fly will lead to a new understanding of physics.