Les deux superstars NBA des Brooklyn Nets, Kevin Durant et Kyrie Irving, en pleine discussion sur la table de marque lors d’un match face aux Atlanta Hawks

“KD and Kyrie will regret choosing the web”

Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving, who arrived in Brooklyn nearly two years ago, will have their first chance to win a title together in the coming weeks. But in the event of a catastrophic situation, according to one analyst, they will certainly regret their decision.

For one, his first season with the Nets played only 20 games, and would have ended with several recurring injuries. For others, it may simply have turned white. Therefore, the financial year 2020-21 can be considered as the first Kevin Torrent And Kyrie Irving In Brooklyn. So far, it goes well from a collective point of view.

For the first time in the East (41-20), Steve Nash’s players are able to dictate their law despite the constant visits of their superstars. Despite this, Stephen A. According to Smith, they did not succeed in expelling … Knicks for the background to the New York news. However, this is the version that is actively protected by ESPN Press First tag.

Almost no one pays attention to the Nets. Almost no one in New York City cares compared to the Knicks. Because the New York Knicks are the hottest team. The New York Knicks make headlines. Everyone is only talking about the New York Knicks at Big Apple!

An observation that was undoubtedly verified when Tom Thibodo’s troops built up 9 consecutive victories in recent days. Thus, the STAS is already considering the worst for KD and Kyrie, who already see both of them drowning in grief within a few months.

They may not admit it, but if the Knicks advance to the playoffs, and the Nets do not win the title, Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving will regret the day they were given the opportunity to join the New York Knicks.

Instead of responding to Madison Square Garden’s sirens, in 2019, they preferred the nearby Barclays Center. According to Smith, it is a choice that could backfire if there is less performance in the latter season.

Stephen A., an ardent supporter of the Nix. Smith will be desperate for the Nets’ defeat in the playoffs, causing grief for Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving. Promise, the stars will no longer snatch the Nix considering the season offered by the owners.

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