Barbara Pompili, la ministre de la Transition écologique, jeudi soir, à l'Assemblée nationale, où étaient débattues les dispositions relatives aux engagements volontaires verts des entreprises, dans le cadre du projet de loi sur le climat.

MEPs tighten sanctions against “greenwashing”

On April 2, 2021, at 2:00 p.m.Updated April 2, 2021, 2:54 pm

This is not a surveillance, but rather an increase in awareness on green advertising spread by advertising agencies, advertisers and the media. Delegates who inspected Thursday evening Climate bill At first glance, in support of consumer goods and environmentally responsible services, companies have strengthened their control over obligations to stop promoting products that are harmful to the planet, but very slowly.

There should be “good code of conduct” promoted by the Audio-Visual (CSA) High Council to give meaning to these voluntary duties “Made in Public” And “There are objectives and indicators that allow us to monitor their performance year on year”, LREM MP for this part of the bill. And according to an amendment issued by Reporter Arrow Berge. Another innovation that emerged from examining Article 5 of the Bill was the confirmation of the advertisement by sending the Annual Report to Parliament.

Significantly, this move is a watered down version of the arrangement supported by Barbara Bambili. The Minister for Environmental Change was in favor of a majority amendment that would allow serious violations of these Code of Conduct to be disclosed when exposed by the CSA, i.e. without having to wait until they appear in a statement. Annual Visitors.

Boss D «Name and Shame

This project, which is clearly similar to Duo «Name and Shame , Has faced a flood of criticism from right-wing benches. Its opponents argued that a simple executive power to grant the CSA would be destructive to the American-style “disgraceful power” of the French legal system. “There is a danger of throwing such and such a company into such or such a brand of pasture.”, Jean-Marc Chermier of Jura, objected to Deputy Les Republicans (LR).

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Within the La Repubblica en Marche (LREM) group, voices were raised to point out the possible adverse effect of this measure on companies performing voluntary duties. “We’re going to create a cleaver”, Izair’s Vice President Sendra Modi is nervous.

Severe fines

This “Slight difference” As Aror Berke deserves it, the perspective that exists within the majority will only be about these voluntary obligations. At an earlier meeting, a consensus scent floated around the hemisphere with the broad approval of an amendment by the LREM aimed at strengthening the fight against environmental laundry (the “green wash”).

Environmental claims that mislead companies about their products fall under the consumer code. Penalties for this type of error have been significantly increased compared to the text approved by the Special Committee. The fine has been raised to 80% of the cost of the promotion campaign and the permit must be issued.

In the end, however, it was not enough to stimulate the enthusiasm of the experts. “The rigid framework for voluntary obligations makes it possible to respond to protesters, who may have imagined that the media and the advertising world would not work together.”, Estimated Friday Antoine Conne, public representative in charge of public relations for the National Television Advertising Association (SNPTV).

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