La Voz del Interior

Cardophobes find more than 5,000 galaxies hidden behind the Milky Way

The night sky presents a large piece of light that is nothing more than our Milky Way, where the solar system and Earth are located.

But that bright spot hides what lies behind it. Astronomers Theoretical and Experimental Astronomical Institute (IT), Depending on the National University of Gonzalez and C கோrdoba, they were able to reveal the existence of 5,563 galaxies, most of which are astronomically new.

In 2012, Maria Victoria Alonso and Laura Paravalle launched a project that included images from a previous survey of the Milky Way.

This is the Vista telescope table, located in Paranal (Chile) and led by UNC graduate astronomer Dante Minity.

The galaxy captured images in the visible and infrared spectrum to study its galaxy, but Cர்டrdoba astronomers decided to look more closely to find it hidden.

To do this, they developed a new analytical method in collaboration with researchers at the University of Ait and La Serena in Chile. Creative released In the press Monthly Announcements of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Astronomers not only identify the positions of new galaxies, but also list their colors, shapes, and sizes.

“In optics, you can’t see objects behind our galaxy. Extracurricular astronomers study the entire sky except that area. Therefore, the realization of this list is the most important fact, “said Alonso in an article published On the Eid website.

Paravalle adds: “And, as a result, the first thing we get are the numbers that represent the levels, but when we go to look at the picture and a galaxy appears, it’s incredible. An object emerges from the whole process there, no one has ever seen! This is a beautiful place. “

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Alonso is a researcher at Gonzalez, while at the same time devoting his final bachelor’s degree, his doctorate and doctorate to the program.

Computers and expert eye

Computational resources are needed to diagnose multiple data because large amounts of data need to be processed. But the computer only detected candidates, so it was necessary to look at every possible candidate with a trained human eye to determine if it was a new galaxy.

Now, the scope is that this work is being carried out by “eye” machine learning methods.

In order to estimate their distances, and to further study their distribution and other data, they will seek to observe galaxies found with other telescopes.

The authors of this work are Laura D. Paravalle, M.

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