Sunday Tip: WhatsApp Security 'Code'

Sunday Tip: WhatsApp Security ‘Code’

Internet Desk: No matter how technologically advanced, many events taking place in society today are direct evidence that the risks are eightfold. With the advent of social media like WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, everyone has the opportunity to share their interests with everyone. But cybercriminals and hackers get excited when personal things come out. Accounts are hacked and money is robbed with user information. If you want to protect yourself from hackers like this, follow some tips. Techies say we can be safe with our information. WhatsApp is now one of the most used messenger apps. Many users are already using the ‘two step verification’ option to escape from hackers and cyber criminals. Let’s see if we can do that too.

Be very careful when logging into a WhatsApp account on a new device. Otherwise hackers are likely to be triggered. If you want to sign in to the device, the six-digit code from WhatsApp comes in the form of an SMS to the mobile. However, if hackers find this code incorrect, they can log in to WhatsApp on their device. There is a risk of asking friends, acquaintances and family members for money from your WhatsApp. To prevent this from happening, it is a good idea to enable the ‘two layer verification’ option. Enabling this option will allow you to attach the code back and forth to your official email. ‘TWO STEP VERIFICATION’ option can be enabled and disabled.

How to implement ..?

* To enable the two-level verification option, you need to open WhatsApp
* Click on the account in the settings in WhatsApp
* Account has ‘two step verification’ option.
* Click on the Enable option there.
* Enter a six-digit PIN and then confirm
* Then add email. Selecting the Skip option without giving an email can cause problems if you accidentally forget the pin.
* Email will be activated after adding. You can disable it if you do not want to.

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