When the news broke, General Gatsby Jones’ impatience led to the invasion of Mexican territory, which led to the rapid US occupation.
On October 19, 1842, a fleet led by General Thomas AB Gatesby Jones entered the port of Monterey, California, and then Mexico City. This was the beginning of an event in which the United States accidentally invaded Mexico.
Believing that war had broken out between the United States and Mexico, Jones ordered his crew to prepare artillery on board, preparing for a fierce battle when confronted by artillery at the fort facing the harbor. Meanwhile, the Marines formed a Diabetes Squad under Lieutenant Colonel James Armstrong.
U.S. forces landed and demanded the governor surrender. The local governor said he would return to the city a day later.
U.S. sailors were on high alert overnight to prevent an attack. However, the governor kept his word when General Jones’ first heavy corvette boarded the USS the next morning to sign the terms of surrender.

Port and the city of Montessori in 1842. Photo: Rare maps.
Jones decided to occupy Montreux for fear that the British would use the war between the United States and Mexico to control the ports in California. The U.S. Navy had to compete against time to reach Monterrey before the British. Soldiers under Jones quickly entered the fort of Montreal and prepared to defend against British attack.
However, in reality the British did not reach Montreal and no war broke out between the United States and Mexico. General Jones was in a great hurry, leading to the illegal occupation of the capital of the Alta State of California, Mexico.
In Jones’ view, he was in a dilemma. At that time US-Mexico relations deteriorated, and he received information that a number of British ships were moving toward the South American coast. If war broke out with Mexico, Jones ordered the capture of ports in California before falling to British or French forces.
Another problem is that in 1842 the communication capacity was so low that military commanders could not make their own decisions without updated data. This is why General Jones hastened to occupy the territory of Mexico.
The U.S. commander realized the mistake only when an American businessman in Montreal, who did not mention the war with Mexico, brought him several newly published newspapers from the United States. After realizing the mistake, Jones surrendered the city to Mexico and demanded the withdrawal of the soldiers. The Mexican flag was then hoisted above the castle.
To fix the relationship after the incident, Mexican and US officials in Montreal began to hold a reception, while both governments launched an investigation. During the occupation, American soldiers loved the local people very much.

General Jones in 1842. Photo: US Navy.
However, rumors circulated that Montreux had been taken away by US warships during the war with Mexico. Another U.S. Navy officer, Colonel W. D. Phelps, heard the news and opened fire to capture Fort Quijaros, San Diego, California.
In 1846, the US-Mexico war broke out, a year after the US government annexed Texas, and the relationship deteriorated due to controversy over the claim that the state’s end was located on the News River. The Rio Grande River, as claimed by Mexico or the United States.
Two years later, the war ended with an American victory. Under the 1848 Guadeloupe Hidalgo Treaty, Mexico ceded 1,300,000 square kilometers of land from the Rio Grande River to the Pacific. Today, this area is made up of states including California, Nevada, Utah, most of Arizona, half of New Mexico, half of Colorado and half of southwestern Wyoming.
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