Can Ford be replaced with Amazon?  In Blanquefort, the tablet does not pass

Can Ford be replaced with Amazon? In Blanquefort, the tablet does not pass

This is a parable of the transformation of our economies taking place in Gironde. Can the giant Amazon be set up near Bordeaux on the 80-hectare site of the former Ford factory in Blankport? 1 is the symbolic site of the metropolis that closed its doorsThere is October 2019 led to the reclassification of some of its 852 employees after long years of negotiations. Now that it is vacant from its residents, the question arises as to the future of the land. Among the files under study by the American manufacturer, Amazon is most interested in the idea of ​​setting up in the Southwest, an area where its logistics sites do not exist today.

Read this too The anger and frustration of the employees of the Ford plant in Blankford was lost

“Amazon came to meet me and showed me a map of a large desert between Nantes and Toulouse”, Alain Anjiani, President of Bordeaux Metropolis, explains The world. The area where the American company wants to establish one of its logistics bases. “What do I understand”, Adds a selected one. Amazon simply refers to it « Works well on the north-south axis, but there are areas with less capacity in the west and east. ” The American giant claims that this type of installation will increase the flexibility of its networks and improve supply flows and processes.

While he praised the company’s approach to presenting itself, Mr Anjiani refused to stay there. “There’s a debate going on – it started before I came [en juillet 2020] – Find an industrial solution that transforms an industrial solution ”, The head of the Porto Metropolis explains.

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The city councilor denies the existence “An ideological gesture towards the Amazon”, He supports the approach initiated by the previous tenure and pleads for talks between Porto Metropol and the American manufacturer and for a speedy solution. But he recalled that if necessary, the metropolis would attract the right to its pre-ownership. On the Ford page, Fabrice Devanley, the manufacturer’s public relations director, explains that the team “At the stage of clearing and selling the land, different buyers are possible”.

“Ford sells to anyone, but the metropolis can guarantee its foreclosure ownership”, said Blankford Mayor Veronica Ferreira.

This denial of the Amazon installation was not only borne by Alain Anjiani. “Ford sells to anyone, but the metropolis can also assert its preemptive ownership”When congratulating the metropolitan president on the press in January, Blankford Mayor underlined Veronica Ferreira. ” By closing, Ford has lost industrial knowledge ”, She insisted. “Amazon, for its part, offers the largest building, the lowest number of jobs inside, the lowest capacity and the lowest pay, and a limited number of truck trips are not ready to accept them … All of this confirms the decision we made several months ago, Amazon is a good place to be. Not an idea. ”

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