Four cybersecurity companies killed in Solar Winds attack

Four cybersecurity companies killed in Solar Winds attack

Mimcast, Palo Alto Networks, Qualis and Fidelis have confirmed that they have been targeted by the Solar Winds hack, and the number of victims continues to rise each week.

The Solar Winds affair continues to be talked about. After malware bytes, Microsoft, FireE and Many U.S. government administrations, These are the four new cyber security companies that Solorigate is targeting.

Mimcast, Palo Alto Networks, Qualis and Fidelis have announced that they are targeting hacking in connection with hacking at Solardwinds ZdNet And Forbes. Everyone had installed the Orion app – one that was hacked.

“Our investigation has shown that cyber attacks can access and exit some encrypted messages created by US and UK users. These links provide access to internal and cloud services, including LDAP, Azure Active Directory, and Exchange Web Services., Mimecast confirmed in a press release on January 26 after acknowledging the security breach a few weeks ago.

The list goes on and on

Palo Alto Networks and Qualis have revealed similar security vulnerabilities in their computers Forbes. Between September and October 2020, the first two observers agreed to install the compromised version of Orion for testing without any damage. Tito who to Fidelis, In a blog post, Confirmed a relatively small attack.

In total, eight cybersecurity companies have admitted to being targeted so far. They are added to the list of many businesses affected. A study by cybersecurity company Netresek added 23 new companies on this list, Last Monday.

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