Anthony Davis donne de ses nouvelles après sa blessure NBA

Anthony Davis Player 2 wins against him … and 25 defeats in his career!

Before the Lakers landed, Anthony Davis had some difficult years with the Pelicans. Ever since coming to Los Angeles, Unipro has found that this is not crazy, it has its real vengeance.

Drafted for Pelicans after coming to the NBA, Anthony Davis Never seen success in Louisiana. The finale of a small conference in 2018 and that’s it. There was nothing else for the interior, however he wanted to succeed in his life. Finally, it was no surprise to see his trade claim land a year later, a place the Lakers preferred. The following? You all know her.

Ever since he came to the city of Angels, Unibro has known success, above all, a topic. His first, and not his last. Meanwhile, his men started their season well, but were out for the first time against the Warriors earlier this week.

Although it did not please anyone in the locker room, nothing was worse. Losing is one thing, but losing after 19 points is another. Surprise? Well, not really. Davis has always fought against a certain person in his life Step curry. His record? He is contemptible.

Davis has 25 defeats to two defeats against Charcoal (18 in the regular season, 7 in the playoffs). This is not famous.

LandOfBasketball (DR)

Of course, the Warriors’ strong period when Davis was alone made it easier to dominate the Pelicans. But this Monday, Baby Face increased its huge presence even further, and AD. It is highly doubtful whether one can change the course of the day. However, in the coming years it may be different.

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Because, even if Angelinos loses, they are much more favorite than Dups. The next clashes could easily fall into the hands of the lockers, so Davis. The one-eyed man is sure to be far from the only one who has achieved such a feat against the curry.

Anthony Davis vs. Steff Curry? It is safe to say that point guard was not Locker’s favorite target. However, in the coming years, that may change for the better.

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