The total solar eclipse of 2020 is happening this week.  Here's how to view it from anywhere.

The total solar eclipse of 2020 is happening this week. Here’s how to view it from anywhere.

Only one total solar eclipse This week of the year is coming. On Monday, December 14, lucky astronomers will have the opportunity to detect spectacular celestial phenomena, when the new moon completely blocks the sun, creating temporary darkness NASA Calls it “one of nature’s most stunning sights”.

When the moon completely covers the sun, the sun’s atmosphere – called its corona – can be seen. This year, it fits in interestingly Geminites meteor shower.

Unfortunately, this is not the case solar eclipse Observes only parts of South America, so relatively few can see it live. However, several live streams of the event will ensure that amateur astronomers interested have the opportunity to watch the eclipse, right wherever you are in the world.

How to see

The eclipse is visible in South America, especially in parts of Chile and Argentina. According to NASA, The route will run from Savetra in Chile to Salina del AJ in Argentina.

In addition, ships located in certain parts of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans will also have the opportunity to detect the event.

Outside the narrow path of the totality, some can still see a partial eclipse – where the moon covers a part of the sun’s disk. To find out if you are on this path, take a look Map of NASA.

For those who witness the eclipse, there are many Safety Precautions To follow. Never look directly at the sun, be sure to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes – regular sunglasses are not enough.

It takes a total of 2 minutes and 10 seconds for anyone in the center of the total path to see the total eclipse under clear weather conditions.

For those located elsewhere in the world, NASA TV will broadcast the eclipse live via binoculars from the University of Pontifia Catalina de Chile. Teaching Lab. The show starts at 9:40 am ET, the program described in Spanish at 10:30 am and the total eclipse at 11:02 am ET. Check it out Here.

The live stream will feature real-time footage of the eclipse and a discussion with two NASA scientists, Yari Collado-Vega and Pee Gallardo-Lagarde, explaining how researchers use eclipses to study the sun.

Time and date ET offers a live stream starting at 9:30 a.m. from the Villarrica volcano in Chile.

The next total solar eclipse will not occur until December 4, 2021. Fortunately 2020 still has one last celestial event in store: The Excellent connection Thursday and Saturday, December 21st.

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