How I finally got good at blood - the reader’s feature

How I finally got good at blood – the reader’s feature

Bloodthirsty - The best game of the year

Bloodthirsty – Late Than Never (Picture: Sony)

One reader explains why he finally decided on a FromSoftware title and his long journey to conquer the bloodline.

After many years of deliberately avoiding any firmware game, I finally developed the courage, bought the bloodline, and am glad I did. With PlayStation 5 is coming soon, I thought this was the best time to catch up with previous games; Mad Max, Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, and Final Fantasy 15 were all purchased for less than $ 10 each on eBay.

I read through the various lists that describe the best, must-play games for the current generation, a game bloodline that has consistently appeared. I was always too scared to play it. I was scared of horror, but I was scared in the sense that I was afraid of the challenge. I will play every game with hard difficulty; My unique achievements in the Legendary and Bioshock Infinite Halo 3 1999 mode. But now, over the years, gaming has changed the past for me.

I am not a finisher and I will rarely choose the difficult difficulty because I can no longer devote the same amount of time or patience. I like to enjoy the story and take my time without extra pressure or anger. FromSoftware games are the opposite. I am familiar with the Dark Souls series and have watched my friends play through them for countless hours, but it summed up my experience and saw all I did.

Bloodborne, when first released, Sequoia: Shadows Die Twice; I watched videos of others playing, laughed at their struggles, and was relieved that I would never engage myself with such frustration. But the revealing trailers for the PlayStation 5 remake of Demons Souls released later this year came out, and I knew I had to change my mind. It looks good visually and game wise, I already know that it will be appreciated for playing compulsively as it uses the PlayStation 5’s zero loading screens.

So, why should I miss star and innovative video games like this because I fear the infamous ‘You Tight’ screen? I must be brave, I said it was time to face the hunt and, of course, get ready to die again.

That’s what happened when I first started my experience with Bloodborne. I know the first hour or two will be hard because I will starve without strength and skill, and it will definitely dissipate. The game weeds casually from real hunters, and I find myself on the brink of an early decline. I crossed the whole of Central Yarn and rolled my way, trying to get back in the form of another lamp, but I was only there to meet the priest beast in person.

I’m lost how many times I’ve died during this first boss fight, and I’m been able to see why so many have left – five years after the game was first released, only 48.9% of players have won the trophy. If I had so much trouble at this beginning, it didn’t come right for the rest of my journey, so what’s the point? I can save future pain. At least I’m proud of myself for giving it up, but in the end I admitted I didn’t have it. But no, it’s not what I did, it’s not what anyone should do. Instead, I decided to get better.

I spent many hours cultivating that initial area, killing all the enemies, leveling, responding, and repeating the process. I was slow but definitely stronger and stronger, accustomed myself to the basic dynamics of the game and, in the end, was more confident. Following this, I defeated the cleric beast for the first time. The game rewards patience and investment, and you really need to make your way and achieve these successes. But once you get there, it’s exhilarating. I have never had such pride in playing a game before.

Yes, it involves a lot of heartbeat, a lot of pillow-punching and an abundance of bad language. But that is what makes it addictive. You know you can do this, there is always a way, so you should set aside your time and learn the shapes of the game. With each step, every new area I encounter and the boss fight, I wonder how far I have come. I never thought I would even consider playing a firmware game. I thought I would never have passed the first boss.

Now I look back, wondering what all the fuss is about, I can happily defeat three priestly beasts at once. I am proud of how far I have come. True, posthumous boss fights gave me a very difficult time, and took several hours to defeat – ROME Vacuum Spider watching you. Also, it becomes more and more difficult when you think you are getting better than the game. But the beauty in it is that. The game has to match its potential, and sometimes you feel compelled to track yourself down and build yourself up.

There are now gamers who have been reading this feature for a long time who have won the bloodline in the new Game + and can find my feelings somewhat glamorous. But all of these established hunters started early and worked their way up. So, if any of the gamers are still reluctant or afraid to enjoy the challenge of a firmware game, especially if it is bloody, I urge you to dive right now.

I was sure you would be surprised at how well you charge. After dropping hundreds of games, sometimes it’s good that one game finally wins you over.

Reader Louis A. Downey

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