Mount & Blade II: BannerLord finally gets the right mod tools

Mount & Blade II: BannerLord finally gets the right mod tools

Assemble mod makers! The official modding tools have finally arrived on Mount & Blade II: Benerboard enters the open beta today with Bespoke editors and tools for feudal romp. While the lack of these tools has not stopped stubborn motors from picking up a crack at BannerLord, it should now be easier than ever to put together your own weird twist on Dalworld’s sword-swinging sequel.

As mentioned, BannerLord has not had a shortage of mods yet – heck, we compiled a list of our own Mount & Blade 2 mods, while Matt Bazil in June without official support for the mod-production House and Wise.

However, the official mod tools should come as welcome news to the people of the country who are waiting to rip off BannerLord’s possession and remake it in their own film. Released in beta today, the toolkit includes two main tools – a visual editor for uniting worlds, and a bundle of resource editors to create scripts, costumes, props and sounds.

To get you started, Devs has put together an hour-long whit that runs through the new map editor (above). You must own BannerLord to access the mod tools, of course, now appearing in the “Tools” tab of your Steam library. Since this is a beta, things are a little more brilliant – you have to hit CTRL-E in the game’s main menu to access the tools, and most of the documentation is still active.

Still, I’m always excited to see what motors can come up with the right tools. Without them, they would have given us these great men. Imagine the giants they could offer us with the developer’s blessing.

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