Wow, Trump doesn’t know that the dollar is floating

Wow, Trump doesn’t know that the dollar is floating

When you are too stupid to think you are the smartest guy in the room, you end up doing a lot of stupid things.

Some Trump Classics I Recall:

No one knows that health care can be so complicated!

Can’t we just turn off the hurricane?

A friend of mine told me; Who knew there were so many countries?

Can’t we just pay for the bleach and cleanse the lungs? Or use UV light on the inside to kill the virus? Can we notice it?

On national television, Trump proudly claims to have done an intellectual test “Acid”, which is like a test on intelligence! In fact it is a test designed to be very simple, only for people with severe cognitive impairment (I think Alzheimer’s) will have difficulty.

Using a Sharpie to redraw a hurricane path to prove he was going where he said he would.

Suggests that countries like Finland are breaking down their forests. The United States should too.

He openly admitted that he thought Finland was part of Russia.

He said that Belgium is a beautiful city.

When he met with the leaders of the Baltic countries, he introduced them from the Balkans.

When discussing building a wall on the Mexican border, he talked about the area on the border with Colorado!

Recently, Trump said that we will be done by the virus as soon as we reach the herd mood!

I can go on because there are many more, but you get the picture. Is it surprising that many outside the United States think he is a clown?

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